Hello dear readers! The last time we left off, Maker had just informed the jilted shell of a simbeing Gucci Mane that she was pregnant with his oops baby. Not wasting anytime, Maker ran over to her sister's house to rub it in her face.
Maker: Hello, Bubbly? I'm outside your house, I have really exciting news! What? You're not home?? Where are you?
Living it up super pregnant style at an adult party. The women in this family will never pass up an opportunity to socialize, even when they're ready to pop.
Maker: Oh wow, you got another bun in the oven again, huh?
Bubbly: I'd prefer if you didn't refer to my offspring as a baked good but yes, I am, indeed, with child.
Maker: Well, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm pregnant too!
Bubbly: No this was a complete surprise to me. Clearly. Just look at my shocked face.
Maker: And Gucci is the father!
Bubbly: How pleasant. I'm sure your child will prove to be quite attractive.
Gucci has been losing his shit throughout the pregnancy. He's been frantically rolling wants to buy cribs and high chairs and strollers and wanting to read pregnancy books, wanting Maker to read pregnancy books. If nothing else, you must call this guy dedicated.
And honestly, I never witnessed another sim freak the fuck out like he did when Maker went into labor.
Maker: Okay, this is going to be cool. I just have to relax.
Maker: That really isn't helping, okay? I must remain calm.
And then she very gracefully walked to the taxi like she wasn't about to push something the size of a three large potatoes out of her hoo-ha. Gucci had to run to work, which seemed to suit Maker just fine.
At this point I was scrambling to open my music player and start playing songs at random.
Introducing Flux Playlist! Because of Gucci's absolute urgency to be an amazing parent, I was able to pick her traits, but that's never any fun so I rolled them. She got Insane and Perspective which I think puts her in the running to be the new Sherlock Holms. Her favorites are Hip Hop, Cobbler, and the color Blue. Her name is from the song Flux and Flow by LIGHTS.
Maker wouldn't put her down until Flux absolutely needed to sleep. She walked around cuddling her and playing with her. The cooking channel was put on autonomously as she's working on maxing out three skills. She finished logic already and is pretty far along in handiness and cooking.
Either everyone in this town thinks this is still the 50s or someone over at EA has a bone to pick with their deadbeat dad but really, in a game where certain sims desire to have more than 10 bed partners, THIS is what shocks them???
Gucci: So the villainous guys over at the gym have been hounding me for impregnating a women I haven't married. I bought you these.
Gucci: Aaaaand also this extremely expensive piece of jewelry that proves, somehow, that I'm committed to you. But really I just want people stop talking behind my back.
Respect: I smell....a disturbance in the force.
He put those lip piercings back on all by himself, by the way.
Whenever someone slept in this CC bed, the frame would just disappear. It wasn't hurting anyone so I just pretended it was supposed to be like that.
Some how I don't think banging the top of the stove is making it fireproof, dude. But whatever. Since his retirement, Respect is my local handy man. Screw calling someone, Respectable doesn't have shit to do today! Go make that shower unbreakable!
Flux's birthday quickly came around, and Blake helped out, quite surprisingly. All she does is flirt with Respectable and paint.
Aww, look at her adorable crossed eyes. She's clearly the child of Gucci, and that hair is from Blake in a past life.
Maker: I'm not sure this is a great idea. There are like 10 people in this town. Five of them are women, two of which are related to me and one was in my backpack until I was five and then suddenly burst into life.
Oh, go get sloshed already, it's your bachorlette party. (Gucci didn't get to have one because the only guys he knew was Respectable and his boss).
Everyone had a really good time and managed to "dress to impress" as the invitation read. Depends entirely on who you're supposed to be impressing, but whatever.
Maker: No no please, I'm totally about to hurl, man!
Marina: Too late bitch, I'm hosing your ass.
It was the least classy thing I have ever seen and it was fantastic. The only attendants were Maker (of course), Marina, some chick Marina worked with, some chick Gucci worked with and Bubbly.
Who passed out behind the bar after downing like 6 drinks, I shit you not. It was fucking hilarious.
Meanwhile, Flux was absolutely excelling. She learned to potty on her second day as a toddler.
A lot of this is thanks to Gucci who desperately wants to be a good father. He rolls wants to cuddle her and teach her things and some times just shoot the shit. And then he just likes taking walks with her, making sure she sees the sun. Fuck, Gucci, way to be dad of the year!
Speaking of fathers....
Respectable: Would you look at that, even in death my nails still look good.
He was coming out of a seminar at the hospital about his handiness skill so no one was around to see him pass on.
Death: YOU, Respectable Playlist, are now sent to the afterlife! What have you to say in your last moments on this plain?
Respect: *gives no fucks*
I built a graveyard right next door to the legacy house as there just was zero room for a mausoleum (but now that I think about it, I could have built a basement).
I put Respect's friggin awesome tombstone in Blake's inventory and had her bring it to the graveyard. She played a sweet tune for the man she loved mostly for what he was, a Legacy founder.
Sir, you will be missed.
I was pretty bummed that he missed Maker's wedding, not that he would have cared much about it. It was a pretty small affair, as most small town weddings are.
Marina: Boo! Down with the institution of marriage! Rights for all or none!
Marina: But mostly, fuck this bride's maid dress!
Even the paparazzi were moved. The only ones able to keep their composure were Bubbly and Gucci's coworker.
Maker: Not even sure what my feelings are for you but I guess getting married is the right thing to do.
Gucci: Are those your vows?
Maker: I vow to be incredibly optimistic about your ability to provide me with more children.
Maker: We're both super hot, though, so this is def a win-win.
Maker rolled a want to be in the education career. I let her have it, knowing full well she and Gucci had a really good time on their honey moon. She was at work for all of an hour before walking out and rubbing her belly.
And time flew by!
This is the only pic I have of him as an infant, and I think the main purpose of it was to show how the crib disappeared. But anyway, this is Trust Playlist. He' absent minded and brave and his favorites are R&B, fried PB&J and orange. His name is from Trust a Try by Janet Jackson
Flux's party was held in the day time so Gucci could be there before one of his games. An unidentified guest decided this was the perfect time to go skinny dipping.
That nose looks a lot like Respect's. Her eyes look so scary!! She got neat as her next trait. Finally, a useful one!
Trust grew up not long after. I find it funny that the red highlights in his hair were given to Maker, they aren't genetic, but he still grew up with them. Light blue eyes are most likely Blake's.
I would like to say a little something about how much this generation is a lot less hard work. While I'm still running around like a headless chicken trying to keep them from wetting themselves and passing out, it's been a lot more enjoyable doing it. Mostly because I'm super interested in the parents' interaction with the kids.
Blake did most of the parenting for Bubbly and Maker as Respect was off doing his own thing. Once they became kids, though, they were mostly on their own. Not in this case. Maker and Gucci constantly roll wants to interact with their kids and often do them anyway when I don't tell them to. I can understand Maker, what with her being nurturing, but Gucci is also really enthusiastic.
It just brings a tear to my eye. :')
Blake is a good grandma, not that she really gets a chance to be. This is the only time Maker didn't walk into the room, watching Blake's every move.
Understandably, Flux hates sharing a room with her brother, who is a crier. Blake can usually hear him next door.
Flux: This kid is driving me -
So I built her a rather narrow room, leaving little room for Blake.
Flux: Yeah, all dis, dis is mine, I'm the boss.
Flux is fucking awesome, that is all.
Flux doesn't play with her IF, LIGHTS, all that much. She is often too busy either talking to herself or pretending to be the queen of the dinner table. Trust really likes LIGHTS though.
Despite the fact that he has his own. I believe Trust is just a super troll, though. He walks into his sister's room, while she's sleeping to sing to LIGHTS and then starts crying, waking her up and driving her even more mad.
Blake: Oh my.
Gucci: Oh no, Blake! Maker's going to be so upset.
Maker was sleeping like a log at the time.
The utter despair on his face is hilarious.
Flux walked in just as she was diving into her urn. I was never able to complete her LTW but she built up a ton of lifetime points through her adult life.
Gucci: Oh Blake why?! Oh the humanity!
Flux: The walls, they're not fully painted! This all looks TERRIBLE!
Oh geez, fine, I'll fix it.
There, I fixed it.
Flux: Missed a spot.
Gucci: Okay, how do I explain death to this girl....
Gucci: Sweetie, there comes a time in a person's life when...well it ends.
Flux: I understand the concept of death, Dad. I'm inane, not an idiot.
Flux: I'm just so upset with the poor attention to decorative detail in this room! It makes me want to smash things!
Gucci: Woah, hun, calm that down!
Flux: Can I have a hug?
Gucci: Yes, of course dear.
And then he helped her do her homework.
LIGHTS: Heh, hey hey hey look who's real!
Flux: This is so not the time for hallucinations!
My insane sim refuses to acknowledge the existence of her imaginary friend. Hm.
The next morning, Maker brought some things to Respect and Maker's gravesite, including flowers Blake had given to Respect a long time ago and the romance novel Blake would read to Maker before bed. She shed a tear for both.
So long, founder sims, you were very entertaining.
Gucci is pretty attached to Maker. He sneaks in kisses in the middle of conversations all the time. Maker was just informing him the house was feeling pretty empty and needed more little ones for her to nurture. He was all for it.
And then prances around with his sculpted patootie out when the deed is done. Thankfully the kids were knocked out.
Flux really likes pretending she's queen. She rolls wants to have an LTW to become an evil villain and become an inventor, probably to make robots to take over the world. She will soon have a horde to rule over.
I don't think gravity is supposed to work like that....
Tune in next time for an influx of babies!
Happy Simming!
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