Sunday, July 29, 2012

Playlist Legacy 1.4

We left off with a bit of a cliffhanger! The IFs were becoming real life sims.
Gucci Mane: Bottoms up.

*squee* Those eyes!

Maker: I hope you like it, I purposefully made it raspberry flavored.
Marina: It's delicious!

So pretty! But make overs are due, I think.

Much mo bettah. She was wearing really cute stockings so I just kept them and based the rest of the outfit on them.

Aaaaand for Gucci...

Gucci: I'm attractive!

Yes, yes you are!

Blake grew up during one of her painting marathons. I never show it but she's wet herself twice because she's too attached to painting.

Blake:...something is wrong here..

Well, your boobs are saggy, but I don't know if you would consider that wrong.

Blake: Don't be a twat! I was simply acknowlegding the fact that I have automatically become senile.

She rolled a wish to buy a cane and then promptly went to bed.

Maker: Stupid fucking homework! You don't even matter!
Bubbly: You are quite wrong. The purpose of homework is to build a better understand of the --
Maker: Oh put a sock in it, you egg head!

They consistently autonomously watch the stars together...even when the house is in the way.

Respectable: Ah yes. Old age. I approach you with incredible gratitude.

Gratitude? For what?

Respect: It will now be okay to walk around in my underwear. No one tells a half naked old man to put clothes on.

Gross...I had to force him to have this birthday actually. He was a couple days over the point where he needed to age up. Weird.

He grew up to be an adorable oldie! I took away his piercings and gave him some elderly glasses.

And they're still the same lovebirds :3

Gucci: *sigh*.....

What's wrong, handsome?

Gucci: Bubbly spends all her time with that Robert kid. Maybe becoming real was a mistake.

Don't think that way, kid! I'm sure we'll figure out something.

He came with a laptop which I thought was interesting but I find the game noises really loud and annoying. I left him play on it a few times before selling it.

Maker took pity on the boy her sister jilted and autonomously started dancing with him at Bubbly's birthday party. It doesn't seem like either is really enjoying it. Maker has about three dudes at this party who have attempted flirts with her, all of which failed.

Bubbly: This again? Must I really participate in the mundane tradition of blowing out candles?

No one is nearly as happy for her as Gucci is.

She grew up beautifully I think. I got to pick her trait but let it be random. She rolled family-oriented. She got the LTW to max out charisma and a music skill.

Bubbly: Your turn Gucci!

Gucci: Heh, yeah....sure.

Holy crap! I gave him a little bit of facial hair and a new suit but the rest was all him. So hot!

Gucci: I'm a little attracted to myself actually...

Because he never actually got to go to school, I didn't get to pick for him. He is now clumsy. He has the LTW to reach the top of the sports career track.

Gucci: I got you a birthday gift. I....I'm really happy for you.

Bubbly: Gee thanks...I've always wanted that coffee cup my father stole from a restaurant....

Graduation time!

Gucci drove with Maker.

Maker: So I'm guessing you're pretty siked about going off into the world on your own, huh?
Gucci: Yea....not really. My whole life consisted of Bubbly! I don't even know what to do with myself now...


Because my game would crash everytime I went on to a community lot, I didn't get any pics of their graduation. Bubbly invited over her boytoy to celebrate his birthday. He was actually a couple days past due. Wonder what kind of issue that is...

Hahahahaha yeah no.

Oops, thought bubble! *hideheadlineeffects on*

Bubbly promptly proposed.

Bubbly: Let's marry each other for the purposes of taxes exemptions for that is the only logical reason that I see to do so.

Robert: I accept!

Gucci: Do you even know that kid, Blake?! He could be a serial killer! How could you let them get married without your approval?

Blake: Bubbly is perfectly capable of making up her own mind about who she marries. It's really none of my business.

Gucci: Hmph.

New neighborhood and a new house! Didn't put a ton of effort into decorating this one but it does look nice! The town is really sparse, though. There's only a couple random families I made and then a new version of my simself. Again, let me know if you'd like to see one of your sims in my game!

Respectable retired as soon as they got there. There was confetti and everything.

Gucci: I'm a useless hunk of trash! All that I know in life is gone!

Maker: Hello? Yeah, I'd like a WAHmbulance for this idiot over here.

Bubbly and Robert quickly moved out. 

And found a really nice place on the edge of town. I have no idea how they can afford it though....

Respect: Listen, son, I'm gonna let you stick around for a while. Just until you can get on your feet. Because Maker is the heir, though, I'm gonna have to kick you out when she starts having little brats.

Gucci: Thanks, sir! Don't worry, I won't be a nuisance.

He got a job in the athletic career

Maker: I call dibs on this room for Marina and I!

Gucci: Fine, I'll go in the guest room.

Maker: It's pretty cool that you're staying with us. We can hang out more!

Gucci: Yeah, maybe. I really want to focus on my job and getting really toned. But I wouldn't mind hanging out.

Was PMS not PC enough for you, EAxis?

Bubbly came by to hang out with the family for a bit and enjoy their hot tub.

And then threw up on the back porch.

Blake: That's my girl!

She's preggers, obvs.

Maker: Ugh, Gucci, your body is distracting me from my game of darts!

He is constantly working out. It's fantastic!

I just...couldn't help myself.


All that working out really pays off.

LaShawn??? Really???

Respect paid them a visit and found little LaShawn comfortably resting on the kitchen floor...I don't know why sims don't just buy cribs on their own!

Marina: Hey there cutie.

What the what?? Marina stop that! You've known her since infancy!

Well that explains it doesn't it?

This is kinda cool! They can just revert back to an IF whenever you want them too.

Gucci: Blah, that felt weird.

Bubbly had a pool party, despite not having a pool. Gucci seemed to be handling the situation well.

But LaShawn wasn't having whatever it was he was doing. Very opinionated child.

Marina grew up! Which means....

Maker is growing up too! She was at a friend's house when it happened.

Maker: This outfit is making me go crossed eyed, please change it!

Marina left right after I changed her outfit. I picked animal lover for her and for her to rescue a bunch of stray animals as her LTW.

Gucci: WOAH. You grew up...well.

Maker: Hey thanks! Wanna go chill in the hot tub?

Wait, what? You hate the water, what are you doing?

Gucci: The water's nice.

Maker: It, um, sure is...

What are you doing?????

Maker: I was getting a little lonely over there.

Gucci: Oh, okay.

Maker: Mind if we snuggle a bit?

Gucci: Sure, no problem!


Maker: No regrets!

Gucci: *drools*

Blake: We totally know you guys just did it.
Gucci: *chokes on his sandwich*
Respect: What, you're surprised?? The walls aren't that thick and my ears aren't that old!

Blake wanted a tattoo so I got her one. Just thought it was cute. The tattoo artist is really attractive too...*plots*

Maker: Well then....

Maker: Soooo, I have something kind of important to tell you.

Gucci: I had a really good time with you, too. No need to thank me.

Maker: Nooo! I'm pregnant you dunce!
Gucci:.....oh shit.


*sorry for all the down walls this chapter*

Happy Simming!