Thursday, July 19, 2012

Playlist Legacy 1.0: Got a beach house I could sell you in Idaho

"Oh fuckhead this is another Legacy isn't it?"
Dern skippy, son. Everyone, introducing Respectable Playlist and this is the Playlist legacy. This is a normal legacy where I name the kids after what ever song happens to be playing on my computer or my phone. Not super creative, but ya know, I felt like it, ok???? I have music playing almost constantly around me, so I feel like this was appropriate. I also get to share my AMAZING music taste with other people! (It's kinda not great, you are warned *COUGH*)
Respectable Playlist
Lifetime Wish: Biggest Baddest Bank Robber (or something)
Over Emotional
Eyes: Bright Blue
Hair: Dark brown with light brown highlights
Holy tits, you are HAIRY!
"You bet, honey. I know you wanna smother your face in this bear-like chest of masculine wonder."
Nah, man, that's like.....the exact opposite of what I would do seeing that carpet-o-nasty. Keep your shirt on, you're cuter that way.
Another day, another adventure!
"Disney quotes will not make me hate you less for making me live like this, bitch."
It should. I mean look, total Disney, screaming African language theme song-able sunrise you got there. You get to see this every morning until you get walls! How is that a bad thing, dude?
"Just find me a woman to put my baby juice in, okay?"
Yo, hold on! We are not to think of women that way, even if they are simulated humans!
And, you need a job before you get some tang. Nobody likes a broke dude.
"Wait where am I?"
Super Secret Thief Club, I dunno the name. Your lifetime wish is to become the best criminal there ever was.
As soon as he gets the job, he starts chatting up his boss.
"I can tell you right now, I'm going to be running this place pretty soon, babe."
He's ambitious so hopefully that happens pretty quickly.
The next morning a double fucking rainbow bursts out of the mountains. What the hell is up with this neighborhood??
Respectable gets a ride from this lady to get to work every morning. I have Twallan's Story Progression mod and tried to stalk her but she doesn't appear to be a resident. Didn't stop Respect from hitting on her though.
"I'm clearly the most attractive Sim you've ever met. Why don't we skip this whole carpool thing and we make beautiful babies back at my lakefront villa."
"I've seen your place, you scumbag. You're using a hose to take showers every morning. This town may never have had a Legacy family before, but we've heard things. Be prepared to get rejected a lot around here."
And did he ever! This is just one of the many females that had gotten clued in about Respectable's intentions when moving into the town. He got into the habit of going to the gym to pick of chicks but none of them would have it. The line, "I've got more respect for my bloodline than that," popped up a few times.
*pout* "I'm a scrawny, hairy mess that can't get laid!"
These are all true things, except for the laid part. I will get you some tail, damnit, because my name ain't kowtail for nothing!
"Ew, I don't-!"
Shhh, shhh, just go along with it.
Respect gave up looking for girls that, well, respected themselves enough to pay attention to their bodies at the gym so he just started walking around town to find unsuspecting women. This one seemed cool. Conservative sweater, but free enough to be wearing ass shorts. And (another) rainbow was gracing the sky! This was bound to work out.
"Hello, miss, why aren't you beautiful!"
"Hehe, oh my, hehehe, you're too sweet, hehehe HAHAHAHAHA"
"Woah, girl! I just shook your hand!"
"I heard you're a legacy sim! You wanna woo hoo me, right??? Get married and have 8 kids right???"
"Say WHAT??"
Well, it looks like Respectable found his perfect match!
"Hey, wait, I-!"
*Respectable has learned that Blake has the "flirty" trait*
Oh no.....
Oddly, this girl decided to change her outfit mid conversation, but whatever. Her name is Blake, by the way. >.>
"Okay, babe, let me break it down for you. I ask you to hang out..."
"Uh huh."
"Then we build our relationship up a bit..."
"And THEN, if we like each other enough, we get married and all that."
".....I don't follow."
I told Respect to take his new lady friend to his favorite pick up spot.
And she promptly kicked his ass at working out. Turns out she's in the criminal career track too. She started getting smelly rather fast, though.
"Soooo did you wanna go into one of the bathroom stalls and get me pregnant? I totally 'forgot' to put in my diaphragm this morning."
"I-I...I'm gonna go home now."
"Oh god! Must wash that crazy bitch off of me!"
What are you talking about??? She seemed nice :3
"I can't. She's too....too....willing."
She did seem rather enthusiastic about being in this legacy. I think you guys will work out wonderfully.
The rainbows in this town always seem to point me in the right direction. Blake was casually hanging out at the pool so I had Respectable stop by to chill too.
Fun fact: the story progression mod took the fact that Blake is flirty and ran with it! From the time it took Respectable to get a taxi to the pool, Blake had started a relationship with another sim that they work  with! I had to act fast!
So Respectable followed her home. It's a pretty nice place.
"So, apparently, I can't have you slutting it up around town. Can we talk inside, though. I'd rather not have people see us speaking in the middle of the night like this..."
Hidden Lakes, or what ever this neighborhood is called, is pretty damn gossipy. Its probably a combination of the Late Night EP and the story progression mod but people do not shut up about each other.
"Listen, I know being a Legacy sim can be hard, but I'm willing to take that risk for you!"
"Oh, wow, thanks Blake. Does that mean you'll stop seeing other people?"
"No promises."
Respect asked her to break up with her boyfriend and she seemed pretty cool about it. I was made aware that Respectable now has an enemy in this really beefyblack dude with a backward baseball cap and a white tank top but I'm sure he'll be fine................
"Life is going to be great, Respectable! I just know it!"
"Yeah whatever, just get your tongue out of my nose, okay?"
Tune in next time folks!


  1. Hahaha, I'm loving Respectable so far! And Blake seems like a .. er.. catch! ;)


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