Friday, July 27, 2012

The Playlist Legacy 1.3

Welcome back! I've been playing the family pretty extensively, and was really exited to write this chapter! 
We begin with a birthday! Respect is over zealous as always.

Gucci Mane: The hell is your problem, man?

Bubbly: I wish for....

Bubbly: The elimination of ignorance in the world, for I am lonely surrounded by all these fools. And world peace.

Well then. 

I don't think Respectable has ever seen anyone grow up. It seems to surprise him.

Respect: Wait...I dunno if I like this so much. Those sparkles...Something seems wrong here....

Everything. Like everything here is wrong. Long sleeve shirt under a LEOPARD PRINT tank top. Why? Just. Why.

Bubbly: I am unfamiliar with this symbol on my shirt. Explain.

It means you're awesome. Just pretend you know what it means. Everyone does that in high school.

I got to pick a trait for her so now she's a Good Virtuoso who Hates the Outdoors and is Eccentric.

Also, Maker grew up :p

She's Good and a Hydrophobe as well as a Mooch.

Maker: Oh, Marina, you're the only one who cares about me.

Blake: Oh stop your blubbering kid and get away from the table. You're blocking the cake.

They ate cake for like a week, by the way. It just does not go bad.


Haha, no actually, she just doesn't like taking showers :p

But, seriously, I'm pretty sure Respect has never met her.

Bubbly, on the other hand, is like his favorite person in the world. He autonomously sits with her while she reads the paper like every morning.

Given that she's a Virtuoso I figured I'd get her a guitar. She's amazing at it already. She's in after school classes so she's learning all the other instruments too.

Maker has started making potions, because when nobody loves you, being a nerd just comes naturally.

I really like her, though. She's sweet and quiet and Marina, her IF, doesn't cancel her actions to go eat like Gucci Mane does, because Gucci Mane is a fucking attention whore!

But I'm not complaining or anything. Hopefully we'll get that potion to make them real soon.

The adults got a free vacation and I thought it was a mistake because I don't have World Adventures, but then I found out this just happens to give teens a chance to party while they're gone.

It's not like Bubbly has any friends to invite over. >.> This is the most rebellious thing they did when their parents left. Eating ice cream for dinner.

Maker: Perhaps getting ideas from Breaking Bad was a bad choice, Marina.
Marina: Likely.

Marina's name is from Marina and the Diamonds :D

And because she's a hydrophobe, she went to bed all scuzzy.

So this WOULD have been the perfect night for Bubbly had my game not crashed before I could save, but she went to prom. She had a date and everything with a guy she went to elementary school with.

He asked her out during a dance, they were totally smitten with each other all night, she made a ton more friends and she won prom queen. And then my game crashed. I WAS SO EXCITED FOR YOU BUBBLY! NEVER FORGET!

RIP Bubbly's Social Life

Gucci Mane: Just...Let me...Have you!

I kind of feel sorry for the guy. He so badly wants to be real just to get into Bubbly's pants.

Bubbly: It has come to my attention that you find my physical properties attractive. I propose a deal. If the young one can make the potion to make you real, and I don't find anyone better, I will give participating in a romantic relationship with you a chance.

Gucci Mane: I'd- I'd be honored!

Aw, now I feel bad for giving him such a jokey name. I'm rooting for you, bro!

Marina: Who is this lady reading you a romance novel?
Maker: This is my mother. This is possibly the first interaction I've had with her since she potty trained me.
Blake: Stop talking to yourself, dear, it's unbecoming. And take a bath in the morning, you smell like burnt toast.

Blake came into a lot of money after quitting being an interior designer and just selling paintings professionally. That and a couple promotions for Respectable (moments away from that LTW!) I was able to put a lot more effort into decorating the house. I wanted a much lighter feel to it and I'm really into seafoamy colors so there's lots of green and blues around. Except for the adults' side of the house. Purple seemed fitting.

Maker: Hear ye, hear ye. Today is my birthday. You must all do as I say!

Bubbly, who is the only family member who is good friends with Maker, wanted to throw her a party!

The lady glowing red is Respectable's boss and the main reason why I took off notifications for enemies on the Story Progression mod. She hates everyone. She's glowing like this because there are about six sims on the lot she just despises. 

So excited!!

Respect: Why is everyone outside? Who is that by the cake?

Blake: Move, honey! I can't see our neglected child!

Maker rolled Nurturing as her next trait.

This is the kid Bubbly would have gone to prom and totally be smooching it up in her parents' bed with if not for that damn crash. He scares the crap out of me though. Those eyes....

Much better!

Bubbly: I am interested in acquiring information about your availability.

Robert: Oh yeah, I'm dating Ophelia.

After discovering this, Bubbly immediately rolled wants to talk to the very attractive, very old ex-boyfriend (one of many!) of her mother. It was weird. 

What, what, what are you doing?

Blake: Eating lunch, what of it??

You're naked!

Blake: I am in my natural state. Don't judge me miss judge-y pants!

Working from home has made her really comfortable.

This really cute kid is one of Maker's friends that she went home with after school. I hated his hair and his outfit so I changed it. So very debonair.

And then he changed it back to go to work. I don't even know.

Yesss, yessss, build that logic. Be my IF to sim making MINION HAHAHAHAH.

Maker makes a lot of male friends at school. I imagine it's because she gets very little love from her parents.

Maker: I believe that the only reason why we love our parents is because of a deep set case of Stolkholm syndrome.

Clueless Dude: Totally. Wanna make out now?

Bubbly invited the kid she should already dating to the park to hang out. She hates it here despite how gorgeous it is.

Bubbly: I do not enjoy the outer world.

It's called outside, dear.

Bubbly: It is distasteful. Things are crawling on the ground. 

Those are bugs.

Bubbly: I want to go home.

Not until you get your first kiss!

Those eyes *shudder*

I'm desperately looking for the mod or whatever it is that makes so many sims have these bright yellow eyes. In doing so I checked to see if it was genetic. I found out that the entire town, besides the Playlists, are related in some way. Like this kid is the son of one of my simself's exes. I need to add more sims to this town to help diversify.

*let me know if you want your sim in my game!*

Hooray! The first kiss for a teen in the legacy! Sure took you long enough!

Turns out, Rob was dating another girl so Bubbly asked him politely to break up with her and then rolled the want to apologize to her. I went to do just that and then my game crashed.

Soooooo I'm working on condensing my package files, BRB YO!

Back! The girls do pretty much everything together since they're both teens. Here's them on their way to a field trip.

Creeper: Stupid legacy bitches, thinking they're so damn hot!

Don't be hatin' honey just 'cause you look like a pitbull *snap, snap*

They really are hot, though I credit a lot of that to make up and good CC hair. I'm starting to wondering if they look exactly the same without make up.

Maker has a slightly fuller face, maybe. Hmmm, I'll have to test this....

As you can see with this technically created overlay *coughphotoshopcough*, they quite obviously have the same face. Hmph.

They both have traits from their parents. That is soooo Blake's nose. 

Bubbly: Gucci, we have discussed this. Bathroom time is where I go to brood upon the wonders of life and the idiotic stances of human social dynamics. Stop haunting my shadow.

I'm trying to get that potion, Gucci, I swear!

After some CC cleanup, I missed some stuff :p I decided to keep Blake's hair that color, with a different style though.

I was finally able to get Bubbly her dream guy without total meltdown. I found out I'm going to have to move the whole family to a new neighborhood. Poop.

She rolled wants to take him to prom and he accepted.

And quite enthusiastically at that.

And she got to go to prom and win prom queen again too! Look at that pose! I would have gotten kicked out of my prom if I did anything like that. Her date had the stupidest outfit on though.

Maker went too and I think she had a considerably better time.

She doesn't even have a crush. She just felt like kicking some ass

So, who is it that I decided to pick for legacy heir?

Maker! The reasons why? Wellll.....

You're just gonna have to find out in the next chapter! ;)

Happy Simming!


  1. AHHHH. I want to know!!! How could you leave us hanging!!!! D:

    XD Great chapter, I find that I always end up making my IFs real too, and they aren't ever terrible looking. ;)

    1. They really don't! I don't think I've read a legacy where they are unattractive. Thanks for reading!


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