Friday, July 20, 2012

Playlist Legacy 1.1

And we're back and the, um, loving couple are enjoying their first date.

And then Blake started choking on her hotdog.

Respectable: HAHAHAHA, choking *wipes tear* on her hotdog! Gonna be choking on my-

Ok no, just...No.

The following morning, Respectable was really anxious to get it all over with.

Respect: OK, I've decided, we have to get married.
Respect: Yes, but first -

Respect: I have to know what I'm getting my self....into....

That was terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anyone else find it bad form to propose to a girl right after Woo Hoo-ing her?

Blake: It's beautiful! We have to plan the wedding! I have the perfect banquet hall in mind and -
Respect: NOPE, we're doing it now!
Blake: But there's no priest...
Respect: The disembodied voice can do it.

I-I guess I can...

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today -

Respect: I am LITERALLY rotting as you speak. Like, I'm going into rigor. Hurry. Up.

God, fine, kiss her already.

*birds chirping*

Repo man: I'm here to fuck shit up.

And then the repo man comes to steal their window.
I would like to pat myself on the back for the perfect photography skills right there. Do you see that arm placement? Fucking legendary.

Blake: It's ok, babe. We can live without the window.
Respectable: I know the perfect way to make me feel better.

Respect: Zzzzzzz

I gave her full make over because let's face it, she's stuck in this family forever. The least I can do is make her look good.

This right here? This is some classy shit right here.

Like, there's a bathroom with a toilet in the house you just ran out of! You really gotta puke on the lawn????

Blake: Don't you judge me! I see you up there in ivory tower in the sky, JUDGING ME!


That's better.

Respectable: Being a Legacy sim isn't all that it's cracked up to be, is it?
Blake: You don't have to a female! You don't have to give birth to the legacy heir and spares! You don't understand!
Respectable: Ha! You're right! And I don't want to.

Don't get cocky, dude. There's a male pregnancy mod out there with your name on it.

As revenge, on an outing to read pregnancy books together at the library, Blake started flirting with a girl in really ugly CC. Right in front of Respectable. He was utterly shocked. SHOCKED! She got rejected though.

Blake has an LTW to reach level 5 in 4 careers so I had her quit her crime job and start working on fashion. This also increases the painting skill so maybe I can get her to make portraits of Respectable and the heir.

Blake: Sooo....I'm gonna take this belly o' mine and go partying.
Respect: I feel like I should be upset about this. But I'm not. Should I say "don't do it" anyway?

Blake went to her best friend's pool party and was immediately scolded for being pregnant in an ugly swimsuit, I guess. One can only hope. At least someone seems to care about the welfare of my possible heir!

For some reason, no one was actually swimming. Instead, all of the party guests had surrounded around this old dude playing the guitar in the host's bedroom. The host was pretty pissed about this.

But then, out of nowhere, she starts reeking up the room and is incredibly embarrassed about it.

Host: *fake yawn* garsh, it sure is late. Maybe everyone should go home.
Blake: Shut up, smelly, I'm trying to listen to the old hippy jammin'

Blake promptly introduces herself to my simself. I find out in this brief interaction that I have two kids and have been divorced twice. Nice.

Kowtail: Are you serious right now? You let a pregnant legacy sim out to go to a party??

Didn't seem like that much of a big deal to me.

Kowtail: She's like seconds from popping, ARE YOU MAD?

Hey! I don't have to take this from...myself! We're leaving, Blake!

Kowtail: I can't. I just *bawls*

The sim-life must be hard on me. Damn.

Upon leaving, I witness this really ripped teenager (I think) leaving the party, extremely pleased with himself about having gone to an adult event. Stay positive for now, kid. There's a good chance you're gonna end up in this legacy. Who wouldn't want those abs in their gene pool?

And as soon as Blake arrives home....

Blake: Is that... my insides dripping out on to the hardwood floor?

Well then. Looks like this legacy is about to get it's first baby!

Next chapter we'll meet the Playlist Legacy's new arrival!

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