Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Playlist Legacy 1.2

And we are back after a nice weekend. Blake had just gone into labor and here is Respect waiting patiently to meet his new daughter.
Everyone, meet Bubbly Playlist. Her name is from the Colbie Caillat song of the same name.

I got to pick her traits but I decided to roll them instead and got Good and Hates the Outdoors. Her favorite color is Spice Brown and her favorite type of music is Songwriter. Forgot what her favorite food is.

I added another room when they got home. Forgot to take a whole pic after Blake moved in but she brought in quite a bit of dough. They're completely broke after these renovations, though.

Blake: EEEEEE, our legacy life is really coming together. I can't wait to pop out more kids!
Respect: And I can't wait to put more inside you.

Apparently, Bubbly has grandparents that sent her this thing. I figured it was like the teddy bear you just leave in their inventory and they get cuddle time, but man was I wrong. I decided to name him Gucci Mane, just for laughs.

Surprisingly, Respect really enjoys spending time with his kid! And by spending time, I mean watching trashy television.

Respectable: OH SNAP, Veronica is gonna be so pissed that Richard didn't invite her to his wedding. That tramp he's marrying is so just trying to use him for his money!
Bubbly: GOO!
Respect: No dear, Veronica deserves him more than this bitch. She has so much more substance.

And then a horse just showed up. This is seriously the weirdest neighborhood I have ever been to. Random rainbows just everywhere and stray horses come to the front door all the time. Wild horses are DANGEROUS.

Just got away mister horse! This shit isn't cool!

It moves. This thing really freaks me out.

It's time for Bubbly to grow up!

Blake: And I'll just place you right here...

Blake spends most of her day with the baby since she works mostly from home so I can understand her being a little...loopy. But there's no really explaining putting an infant on the grass. And where is Bubbly's father in all this?

Respect: WOOOOOOO! Happy birthday!!!

No one's there you twit.

Respect: Yeah!!! Birthday!!!

Oh never mind.

So here's Bubbly after all the sparkles. She has her dad's hair and eyes, though Blake has blue eyes too, I think. We'll have to wait until she's older to see who she favors more.

Again, Blake, REALLY?? This isn't even your house!

Blake: This is all a part of the mothering process. I can't help it!

It's bad enough you brought your kid with you to redecorate someone's house (I took her out of the fashion business, it kept cancelling the action to go to the salon to work.)


That potty isn't for you, Blake, you have to know that.

Blake: This isn't, the pee dance, this is the labor dance you asshole!

Oh. OH. Well then. 

Respect: Oh hey, I didn't know you were pregnant... Hey look another daughter!
Blake: How dare you not notice me pregnant! I am a legacy sim now!! I deserve all of your attention!

The baby in the crib is Maker Playlist. Her name is from the song Oh, Maker by Janelle Monae. I didn't get to roll her traits and at the time of this writing, I can't remember a thing about her. Oops.

Respect: *sniff* Don't yell at me! I work really hard!

He does work a lot and barely gets to see the kids. Tension runs pretty high in this household.

But there is more good news! Today is Bubbly's birthday!

Bubbly: I feel....nothing.

Um, what?

Bubbly: I am content...but also....full of anguish.



He just moves...so strangely. It's so freaky why is this a thing???

Time flew by and it was already time for Maker to grow up!

Respect: YESSSSS!!!

His over emotional trait really comes out during birthdays.

Bubbly: This is...minutely entertaining.

You are just the littlest killjoy, aren't you?

Maker is quite the cutie. She looks pretty similar to Bubbly when she was a toddler, but again, time will tell!

There was a birthday party for Maker and Blake as they both got to grow up. My simself danced with her new husband (her third...) the entire time.

Blake went to redecorate another house in this. She thinks she's so hot.... 

Blake: And the littlest legacy sim said, "This is the happiest of days. Legacy families are the happiest families!"
Bubbly: That's a fallacy, mother. From my understand, most sims believe legacy families are ones to be avoided. Even I, with my most appealing personality, am having trouble communicating with my peers.

I don't think that has anything to do with you being a legacy kid...

Because she just can't make friends, she spends all of her time playing with Gucci Mane. It's great that she has a relationship outside of her family, but he's not real, is he??? Not exactly healthy...

Okay yeah, this the OPPOSITE of a healthy imaginary relationship. SO CREEPY!!!!

Tune in next chapter when I decide who the heir will be!

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